On-Demand Sales For Globally Minded Companies

We are renowned for on-demand sales as a service solution and crafting pipelines that fuel success, turning prospects into profit. Konsyg is a sales mercenary that makes generating revenue easier and less stressful.

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We Can Go Global

Konsyg's team of seasoned sales professionals brings a wealth of experience, ensuring clients benefit from a deep understanding of the intricacies within different industries and regions.

We Are Flexible

Whether a company needs to quickly build a sales pipeline, launch a new product, or enter a new market, we provide the flexibility to adapt and execute sales strategies effectively.

We Are Data-Driven

Konsyg is committed to delivering measurable results. Our data-driven approach to sales means that we leverage analytics, metrics, and insights to continuously optimize sales strategies.

On-Demand Sales Soutions

Your Trusted On-Demand Sales Expert

Konsyg is an on-demand sales mercenary providing an end-to-end sales extension service to close business and generate client revenue. Our sales as a service system hold elements of Lead Generation, Data Analysis, Sales, Pre-Sales, and Advisory in a “one-stop shop.”

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What we Offer

Our Services


On-Demand Sales Team


Account Based Marketing


Pipeline Generation


The Sales Academy

200+ Clients Served 100M+ Revenue Generated 16 Global Teams 2500+ Average Daily Touches
200+ Clients Served 100M+ Revenue Generated 16 Global Teams 2500+ Average Daily Touches

Client Testimonials

Why Choose Konsyg

Global Reach

Konsyg is a sales mercenary operating in multiple countries, allowing businesses to access an extensive network of sales professionals who understand local markets and can assist in expanding your global footprint.

Expertise in B2B Sales

Konsyg specializes in B2B sales, making us a suitable choice for businesses targeting other businesses. Our team is trained and experienced in navigating complex sales cycles globally.

Scalability and Flexibility

Konsyg offers scalable solutions, enabling businesses to flexibly adjust the size of our outsourced sales team to match fluctuations in demand or growth opportunities.


As a sales mercenary, outsourcing sales to Konsyg can be cost-effective compared to hiring and maintaining an in-house team. Businesses can save costs on salaries, benefits, training, and more.

Proven Track Record

Konsyg often has a track record of successful sales outcomes, helping businesses drive revenue and achieve the sales targets. This history of success can provide confidence to new clients.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Konsyg leverages the latest sales technologies and tools to optimize sales processes, improve lead generation, and enhance sales performance, giving businesses a competitive edge.

On-Demand Sales Soutions


Konsyg’s On-Demand Sales Solutions Insights

What is Konsyg and what services do you offer?

Konsyg is a specialized sales-as-a-service (SaaS) provider that offers comprehensive sales solutions tailored for B2B tech companies. Our services include outbound SDR (Sales Development Representative) activities, lead qualification, pipeline generation, end-to-end sales cycle management, on-demand sales teams, and sales strategy optimization.

How does Konsyg differ from other sales outsourcing companies?

Konsyg stands out due to its deep focus on the technology sector and its global reach across North America, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa), and APAC (Asia-Pacific). Our approach combines hands-on execution with strategic insight, integrating closely with clients’ operations to ensure sales success that aligns with their specific needs and growth goals.

Can Konsyg assist with scaling sales operations in different regions?

Yes, Konsyg has the capability to help businesses scale their sales operations globally. With experience in diverse markets and a presence in key regions, we provide localized strategies and execution to help businesses expand their reach and adapt to regional market demands.

What is the process of starting with Konsyg?

To start with Konsyg, a business typically undergoes an initial consultation to assess their sales needs and objectives. Konsyg then proposes a tailored strategy and an ROI plan at no initial cost, outlining the potential impact and steps forward. Once agreed upon, a dedicated team is assigned to integrate with the client’s existing structure and commence the sales enablement process.

Does Konsyg cater to startups and small businesses or just large enterprises?

Konsyg provides services for a wide range of companies, from startups and small businesses to large enterprises. Our scalable solutions are designed to fit the varying needs of businesses at different stages of growth.

How does Konsyg ensure the quality of its sales services?

Konsyg ensures the quality of its services through a combination of seasoned sales professionals, data-driven strategies, and regular performance tracking. We maintain a continuous improvement cycle, soliciting feedback from clients and adjusting tactics as needed to maximize sales effectiveness and ROI.

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